About Me

SUPER-RORY - Spreading hope, one cape at a time. 

In 2014, Rory Piper created his alter ego Super-Rory to volunteer for The Sony Ignatian Children's Holiday Camp at Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview. 

Sony Camp is a four day respite camp for children aged between 5 – 15 with special needs and disabilities.  

Since then, I have done six Sony Camps as well as assisted in fundraising through Sydney City2Surf and raised close to $20,000 AUD for the Sony Foundation to support these camps. 

Other projects that I have been involved in as a volunteer was BlowFly Cricket which is an all-inclusive cricket team in Hornsby NSW. 

In 2024, marking the ten years since I created Super-Rory. I have been trying to find more projects to be involved in helping support. Such as becoming an ambassador to help support and promote ALVIE app which helps people with disabilities and special needs make friends.